
新2足球平台出租 54 0
第一段 愁言绪语 Modern life would be incomplete without a smartphone. It has become an essential tool for communication, information, entertainment, and even payment. However, not all smartphone models offer the same features. Huawei is one of the current top mobile phone manufacturers, but its devices lack a popular function: fingerprint payment for WeChat. This article aims to explain why this feature is missing and how to bypass the issue. 第二段 问题探究 Why doesn't Huawei have fingerprint payment for WeChat on its phones? The short answer is that it involves a dispute between Huawei and Tencent, the company behind WeChat. In 2016, the two Chinese giants had a conflict over the revenue sharing mechanism of WeChat payment, which allows users to connect their bank accounts or credit cards to their WeChat accounts and use the app to transfer money or buy goods offline or online. Huawei wanted to take a bigger cut of the profits, as it had to install extra hardware (a fingerprint scanner) on its phones to support fingerprint payment for WeChat. However, Tencent insisted on its 0.6% transaction fee and refused to share more. As a result, Huawei removed the fingerprint payment feature from its smartphones in 2017, claiming that Tencent disabled it on the server-side, and users would have to input their passwords or scan QR codes to use WeChat payment. 第三段 解决方法 So, what should Huawei users do if they prefer fingerprint payment for WeChat and do not want to switch to another phone brand or payment app? There are several possible workarounds, but they all involve some inconvenience or risk. One option is to install an unofficial app called WeChat Fingerprint Unlock or WeChat Pay Fingerprint Unlock, which claims to add a fingerprint authentication layer to WeChat payment on Huawei phones. However, this app is not endorsed or supported by Tencent or Huawei, and it may have security issues or fail to work properly with different phone models and WeChat versions. Moreover, using such apps may violate WeChat's rules and lead to account suspension or even legal trouble in China. Another option is to use a third-party payment app that supports fingerprint payment and can be linked to WeChat or other apps, such as Alipay, UnionPay, or China Merchants Bank. However, this requires extra setup and may incur additional fees, depending on the payment method and the transaction volume. 结尾 技巧分享 In conclusion, Huawei phones do not have fingerprint payment for WeChat due to a disagreement between Huawei and Tencent, and users who want this feature must find alternative solutions that may involve risks or inconvenience. However, there are still some tips that can improve the user experience and security of WeChat payment on Huawei phones, such as setting a strong password and enabling two-factor authentication, using a virtual card or a physical card with a magnetic stripe for offline payments, checking the payment details and transactions regularly, and avoiding suspicious or unauthorized requests or links. By being vigilant and cautious, Huawei users can enjoy WeChat payment with or without a fingerprint scanner.


标签: 华为手机微
